Fluorescent package markings are helping to keep polypropylene out of landfills. Plastic recycling, while certainly on the increase, is still
By focusing on e-commerce, Johnson & Johnson has breathed new life into key products Johnson & Johnson is taking a
Research firm takes a look at what we need to watch out for in the coming years. As flexible packaging
More consumers are rejecting pills in favor of healthy snacks and chewables. Be honest—would you rather take a pill or
New study details the increasing worldwide demand for flexible packaging in the baby food market The growing call for environmentally
The $500 million bipartisan legislation has broad support among industry trade groups  Two members of Congress, as well as a
Study predicts growth and market expansion over the next five years The North American flexible packaging market is expected to
Survey sheds light on the impediments being encountered by flex packaging makers When evaluating flexible packaging options, manufacturers need to
Confusion about the terminology used in the sustainability movement could be hindering progress What does it mean to "recycle"? Seems
If you’re an Amazon merchant, you need to meet their new packaging standards—or you could face a penalty. On August